Crafting Mobile Games You'll Love.

Unleash Your Creativity

Passion for Progress: Winning Hearts with Every Game.

We dedicate ourselves to pushing the boundaries of what makes games fun and engaging.

Our focus is long-term: we aim to build a legacy of love and trust with our players by being attentive to their needs and proactive in our innovations. We are not just creating games; we are enhancing experiences, polishing playability, and ensuring that every release brings joy and value to your screen.

About Us

Let's 🗣 talk!

Here's how you can connect with Brick&Stone team:

(+64) 20403-29986

Give us a call and chat directly with our friendly team. We're always happy to answer any questions.

Send us a detailed message. We'll get back to you as soon as possible to discuss your ideas further.

34 Price Crescent, Mount Wellington, Auckland, New Zealand

Come visit! We love welcoming potential collaborators into our vibrant space.

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